Maps (Special Forces)
Devil's Perch
Forces: MECSF vs. US

Ghost Town
Forces: Spetz vs. SAS

Forces: MECSF vs. US

Mass Destruction
Forces: Spetz vs. Rebels

Night Flight
Forces: SAS vs. Insurgent

Forces: Spetz vs. Rebels

The Iron Gator
Forces: MECSF vs. US

Forces: SAS vs. Insurgent

Special Forces Vehicles
Desert Raider
This lightweight 6x6 vehicle is ideal for desert reconnaissance, surveillance, and escort missions. With its multiple mounted machine guns, however, it is also an offensive force to be reckoned with.

AH-64 Apache
The Apache is the Army's primary attack helicopter. It is a quick-reacting, airborne weapon deployment system that can fight up close or far away to devastate enemy forces. The Apache is designed to fight and survive day or night, in any condition. The principal mission of the Apache is the destruction of high-value targets with its 16 HELLFIRE laser-designated missiles. It also employs a 30mm chain gun and Hydra rockets that are lethal against a wide variety of targets. The Apache has the ability to withstand hits from 23mm rounds in critical areas.

ATVs aren’t just for fun anymore. When you need a compact 4-wheel-drive vehicle to zip around variable desert terrain, this will do the trick.

The BMP-3 infantry combat vehicle entered production in the late 1980s. It is a tracked, armored, amphibious vehicle designed to engage armored ground and air targets while stationary, on the move, and afloat. Its main armament is a 100mm 2A70 semi-automatic rifled gun/missile launcher that can engage tanks as well as slow, low-flying targets such as helicopters. Armament also includes a 30mm 2A72 automatic gun.

Civilian Pick-up Truck
This is a good choice for transporting troops in a hurry, but its lack of armor can easily turn the pick-up into a mobile graveyard for you and anybody hitching a ride in the back. At least you have a mounted gun to deal out a stream of bullets. 
The HIND is a close counterpart to the Apache. The five-blade main rotor is mounted on top of fuselage midsection, while short, stubby, weapon-carrying wings are mounted at the fuselage midsection. It’s equipped with eight AT-6 ATGMs, 30mm rounds, and two 57mm rocket pods. Its armored cockpit and titanium rotor heads are able to withstand 20mm cannon hits.
Jet Ski
The most nimble way to navigate on water, the jet ski lets you sneak up on enemies and make hairpin 180s on a dime.

Special Forces Weapons
Type: Full Auto / Burst
Damage: Medium / High
Accuracy: High
The G36 family of weapons is an example of the new thinking in assault weaponry. They are constructed mostly of high strength polymers with metal used where appropriate. It has a slightly longer barrel than the CQC G36C.
Type: Burst / Semi Auto
Damage: Medium / High
Accuracy: High
The G36 family of weapons is an example of the new thinking in assault weaponry. They are constructed mostly of high strength polymers with metal used where appropriate. The G36E is the standard assault rifle variant of the G36 family.
FN2000 with GL
Type: Full Auto / Semi Auto
Damage: High
Accuracy: Medium / High
The F2000 is a fully modular, completely ambidextrous assault rifle. Its modules can be changed without the aid of tools making it very versatile.
Type: Full Auto / Burst
Damage: Medium / High
Accuracy: Medium
The G36 family of weapons is an example of the new thinking in assault weaponry. They are constructed mostly of high strength polymers with metal used where appropriate. The MG36 is a light machine gun variant carrying 100 rounds in a single, dual ammo drum.
Type: Full Auto / Semi Auto
Damage: Low / Medium
Accuracy: Low / Medium
The MP7 is part of a new breed of personal defense weapons intended to replace traditional side arms or submachine guns. The MP7 is issued to troops who would not normally carry an assault rifle (such as vehicle pilots or crew members).
Type: Full Auto / Semi Auto
Damage: High
Accuracy: Medium / High
US SOCOM commissioned the SCAR for use by the US Special Forces. SCAR-H-CQC is a close quarters combat variant. The "H" signifies that this variant carries the larger 7.62 mm rounds.
Type: Full Auto / Semi Auto
Damage: Medium / High
Accuracy: High
The SCAR rifle was commissioned by US SOCOM for use by the US Special Forces. It is capable of holding either “light” 5.56mm rounds or “heavy” 7.62mm rounds. The SCAR-L is the light variant.