Type: Full Auto/Semi Auto
Damage: Medium
Accuracy: Medium
The AK-74u is a shortened version of the AK-74 and is intended as a personal defense weapon for tank and helicopter crews. It lacks accuracy at longer ranges but is easier to handle in confined spaces.
Type: Full Auto/Semi Auto
Damage: High
Accuracy: Medium/High
The gas-operated AK-101 is a modern version of the classic AK-47. It uses 5.56 NATO ammunition which can be fired at the rate of 600 bullets per minute. It is far more accurate than its predecessor.
Type: Propelled gernade
Damage: Very High
The GP-30 is an underbarrel grenade launcher firing high explosive 40mm rounds. The GP-30 can be used as indirect fire to eliminate opposition who are hidden behind walls or cover. It is effective against infantry and soft targets but does minimal damage to armored vehicles.
Type: Full Auto
Damage: High
Accuracy: Medium
The RPK is a very efficient squad level light support weapon using small-caliber ammunition. Due to its high rate of fire, the RPK is most accurate when fired from a prone, stationary position.
Type: Semi Auto
Damage: High
Accuracy: Low
Imagine an AK-47 limited to semi-automatic fire with a rebuilt chamber to house shotgun shells and you have this automatic shotgun. Extremely powerful at short range it loses accuracy at longer ranges.
PP-19 Bizon
Type: Full Auto/Semi Auto
Damage: Low
Accuracy: Low/Medium
The PP-19 is based on the AKS-74 but uses 9mm ammunition and a very unconventional magazine solution.
Type: Semi Auto
Damage: Medium/High
Accuracy: High
The SVD is a lightweight rifle used for mid-range sharp shooting. It's slightly less accurate than its American counterpart but shoots significantly faster.